Category Archives: Self Help

Weight loss, without dieting

So many people are confused by the many many different suggestions to lose weight.

But has anyone suggested that your body will naturally know what food it needs and when it needs it? Your body will also tell you when it is full.

Why not learn to listen to your body and learn to understand the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger?

Geneen Roth wrote a book many years ago, which explained that concept to me very well. I try to live that way and when I am successful, my weight stabilises and I am comfortable in my skin.  When I am not so successful, I begin to feel bloated and uncomfortable…. All new skills take a bit of learning, so I don’t beat myself up, if I get it wrong every now and then.

Here is a link to a short audio, which outlines the concept in a matter of minutes. If this link does not work for you, please email me at and I will email you the link.

Here is an outline of Geneen’s book.  Feel free to check it out, both here and other online places.  She has lots of interesting interviews online and other resources.


Peace and harmony to all


Addictive behaviours

When God Paints 8

When people mention addiction, most of us automatically think of substance addictions, like drug addiction and alcoholism.

There is research done into activities or behaviours that are also considered to be addictive.  These include such things, as shopping and gambling.

The simple way to explain is, if a behaviour is impacting you or your life in a negative way and you struggle to stop the behaviour, it could be considered an addiction.

This link  explains a little about the chemical reaction in our brain that can lead to an activity or behaviour becoming addictive.  This knowledge may help us understand such things as self harm, sex addiction and shop lifting (just to mention a few).

I will continue to post some articles and links that may further explain the behavioural addictive process.

Peace and harmony to all





Self harm – what does it mean and can i help?

Do you know someone who is ‘self harming’? Is it a loved one and you feel frustrated by lack of understanding? I shall be researching this issue and providing you with some informative links. Keep an eye on my Resources Page for information.

And please email me specific questions if you need to.

Peace and harmony to all



Frozen by Fear or Phobia

Most people have something that they are afraid of, getting in a lift, spiders or snakes or any from this list.  How we manage that depends on the phobia.  If it is something that you don’t encounter every day, like “big foot”‘ your phobia probably will not impact your life, but if it is something like “leaving the house” it can be debilitating and have a profound impact on your quality of life.  Trying to identify, resolve or accept your fear or phobia, can free you up to have a more fulfilled life.  See my Resources Page for one method of addressing fears and phobias.

Peace and Harmony to all


7 Step Method for healing your own trauma

Yesterday I introduced a concept of re-experiencing trauma to untangle the threads of how it can dominate your life.

I have since, had the opportunity to take this one step further and undertake the 7 Step Method detailed in that article.  This link will take you directly to that ‘Method’ How to heal your own trauma.

As a practitioner of Reiki and being familar with meditation I found it easy to follow the steps without a support person.  However, please ensure you are confident in your ability to work without a support person before ‘going it alone’.

It is my belief, that you will have to continue using these 7 Steps over a period of time to feel the benefits.  Please don’t lose heart, if the results are not immediately felt.

If you fall asleep during your first attempt, do not feel let down, your body knows what it needs and sleep may be the best approach to this healing process in the first instance.

Please feel free to contact me, if you would like some guidance or advice with this process.

Peace and harmony to all




Healing from trauma

There are a number of ways to deal with trauma.

Everyone touched by trauma wants to heal from the anguish and pain that trauma can bring every day of their life.

Here is a link to an alternative approach.

Healing from trauma

Remember, everyone will respond to different strategies for healing, in different ways.

My task is to present ideas for you to check out for yourself.

There is ALWAYS an answer.

Peace and harmony to all
