
~ Try my  Healing with Love meditation    Just a little something to start and end your day with.  Let me know how it goes.  Your body has an incredible capacity to heal itself, if we can just quiet the mind.

~ Here is a little audio I call ‘Story Glasses’.  It might help explain, how we sometimes misunderstand people and cause ourselves anxiety and pain, as a result of our interpretation. If we can learn to look at our interactions with others differently, we may be able to reduce the unnecessary pain in our lives.


~ This exercise will help stop anxiety and panic.  Using mindfulness to focus on your 5 senses you can help alleviate the stressful, worrying thoughts that tumble round in your brain. Practise this night and day, so that when an attack comes, you can gently slip into this Mindfulness exercise.  Please contact me, if the link will not work for you and I will forward it by email.


~ My second audio session is a quick outline on an alternative way to lose weight.  No more dieting, no more stressing over what you can eat and what you can’t.  Listen to your body to lose weight


~ This is one of my favourite songs to use for meditation.  Thank you, I love you

Some people are having trouble accessing the above link. Flick me an email at for access if you are having trouble.

Hoʻoponopono (ho-o-pono-pono) is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Similar forgiveness practices were performed on islands throughout the South Pacific, including Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand. Traditionally hoʻoponopono is practiced by healing priests or kahuna lapaʻau among family members of a person who is physically ill. Modern versions are performed within the family by a family elder, or by the individual alone.


Welcome to my Audio page.

Here you will find small items from my daily life and experience that may touch your life and offer you a different point of view.

So grab a cuppa, curl up in your most comfy lounge, browse my audio sessions and see if any interest you.

This will be a work in progress and over time my audio library will grow.

If you have a question for me, please contact me and you may also find my thoughts on your question in these sessions. Remember though, I will always honour your privacy and will not mention specific names or details.

Peace and harmony to all


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