Category Archives: Mental Health

Living in the now

Everywhere I look, they say ‘live in the now’

but nowhere does it explain exactly ‘HOW’

There are simple questions to ask yourself that can help train you, to ‘live in the now’

Throughout the day try to remember this little exercise and try it as often as you remember.  In time, it will become a natural, habitual way of thinking.

* Stop and observe your thoughts…..

* Ask yourself  “Is this thought about something that happened in the past?”  Be it a minute ago, or a year ago.

* Ask yourself “Is this thought about something in the future?”  Be is about tomorrow or many years from now.

* If the answer to either of these questions is yes – then identify that it is not ‘in the now’ and practise letting those thoughts go.

Remember that you can’t change past and the future is yet to be discovered.

So take a look around you and using all of your physical senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch, bring your attention back to this ‘moment’.

What can I see?

What can I hear?

What can I feel on my skin?

What can I taste?

What can I smell?

With practise you will get better at ‘living in the present moment’

Peace and harmony to all





It hurts

It is confusing

It is debilitating

But it isn’t how you have to live your life

With gentle support you can learn to

Push Through Stimulus Door


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

to a better life.

Peace and harmony to all




Online Mentoring Program

Why not give the gift of support for Christmas.  Try my Online mentoring program for $1.00 per day.

The program will be tailored to the particular needs of the recipient, and will include, email and text support, suggestions for self development and regular reviews of progress.

email me at to get started.

Peace and harmony to all



New Online Course – Wellness in Body, Mind & Spirit

Wellness in Body, Mind & Spirit is an Online course, adapted from my recent weekend Retreat.

The course gives guidance to encourage and support you to develop a complete system to care for your own wellbeing.

It provides the tools for you to awaken your own inner wisdom and strength to make changes to your life and enhance your every day experience.

Please leave a reply here to start the enrolment process.

Peace and harmony to all

Lunar Wolf



Count down to my Retreat

There are still some spots available.  Email me at to secure your place.

I have called this Retreat “Where psychology and spirituality walk hand in hand” because my personal experience has been, that psychology (understanding the behaviour of ourselves and those around us) can be the KEY to unlock our spirituality…. AND indeed the other way round. Spirituality can be the KEY to unlock and understand ourselves and those around us (psychology).

By spirituality, I don’t mean religion…. Spirituality is our own personal journey, “with” and “to” OURSELVES.

Click here for more details on my Retreat.

If you can’t make it to Kings Creek Retreat, Krambach this weekend to join us, I will be adapting the weekend for an online course.  This will be available early November.  Keep an eye out or drop me a line if you are interested.

Peace and Harmony to all



Domestic Violence

I listened to a radio interview today about Domestic Violence. The host interviewed a women who is a perpetrator of domestic violence, and a man who is a victim of domestic violence.

I was touched by both their stories and it made me realise that we are not being true to the victims, perpetrators or ourselves in the current war against domestic violence. It has become a politically correct cardboard cutout issue – and therefore has lost its momentum and direction.

Domestic violence is not ONLY a crime against women and until we look at the whole issue, we will have no chance of addressing it appropriately.

Yes, I truly understand that physical violence against women is a serious issue. But let’s not forget that violence against anyone… Man, woman or child is a disgusting display of power and control, and is detrimental to the victims, and possibly future generations of those victims.

Domestic violence, is not just about physical violence!!

We are only just beginning to understand exactly how debilitating emotional abuse and violence can be, regardless of your age, or sex. When there is any violence in a domestic relationship it is going to mean that one person is more powerful than the other and this is not always because of size and strength. They don’t always use physical violence to gain and hold that power and control!

I know men, who live in fear, in a constant state of hyper vigilance in their homes. The welfare, safety and security of themselves and their children is threatened on a daily basis.
They can not leave…. Who will ensure the kids are safe?
They can not, or will not take the children away from their mother (for whatever reason).
They will not retaliate for fear of the consequences or threat of losing their children. So where do they go?
Who helps them? No one!!!

I know mothers who are petrified of their children. Where does she go for help?

These people live this nightmare, with the hope that one day it will get better… And apart from the short term effect on everyone in these situations, you will most likely see another generation of domestic violence perpetrators emerging. More often than not, someone who is intimidated, bullied or beaten in one relationship, has a tendency to become the intimidator, bully or perpetrator in another.

So – yes – let’s keep the focus on violence against women in all forms, but let’s ALSO protect our men and children too. Let’s start that debate and keep this issue REAL and alive.

Here is a link to the radio interview if you are interested

Peace and harmony to all

Be like a tree …….

Be like a tree, with LIFE being the air around you.

It might be blowing a freezing cold wind or pelting down with rain –

but stand as confidently and peacefully as you do, when the sun is shining brilliantly on your leaves and branches.

Know that however the air around you is, you just let it BE….


Peace and harmony to all



Unconditional Positive Regard…..

I like the sound of that!!

But what does it mean?

Unconditional positive regard is a concept developed by the humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers. It is the basic acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does.

When that person in traffic, or at work, or at home ‘grinds your gears’ it might be very helpful to cultivate a feeling of unconditional positive regard.  Taking this approach will allow you to stay removed from the behaviour of the person.  We often get caught up, emotionally, in what others do and this is a way out.

It isn’t easy, but with practise it will make your life less stressful.


Peace and harmony to all


Venue – Kings Creek Retreat



Check out the ‘Kings Creek Retreat’ venue for my Retreat in October this year.

See Retreat outline and stay tuned for more details.

Contact me on if you have any questions.

Peace and harmony to all
