Category Archives: Mental Health

Expressions of interest for Retreat

I have booked the venue for my Retreat in October.

Venue: Kings Creek Retreat

Date: Friday 14/10/2016

Outline: Taking care our own health – body, mind and spirit.

Stay tuned for more details to be posted.

Please email me at to express your interest in attending.

Peace and harmony to all




Tips for living with lies

I have posted a couple of articles about the impact of people within our circle telling lies.

We know that we can’t change other people’s behaviour

We know that honesty and trust is important to us

Do we discard the friendship or relationship because of the lies?

Nearly 95% of people will say yes… But it might be your child that is telling you lies

So what do you do?

Here are a couple of little tips

  1. Ask yourself… Is there evil intent in the lie?
  2. Ask yourself …Does that lie threaten me, or harm me?
  3. If the answer to the above questions are “No”, then let the lie pass you by. Don’t give it any power.
  4. Last tip…. It has long been accepted that you ‘shouldn’t check up on others’.  However if you need to check up on someone who is lying to you, DON’T feel guilty.  As long as your intention is only for your own sense of safety and your own peace of mind.  Ask around, check if she is at the parent teacher meeting when she said she would be, or that your son really is having a sleepover at his mates.  DON’T let it become an obsession and DON’T use it as a power tool or control method over others. Just do it for your own peace of mind.  Over time, it will help you to answer the first two questions with clarity and make ‘living with a liar’ possible and peaceful for you.  Trust in yourself and it doesn’t matter about trust in others.

Peace and harmony to all



Emotions are like the surf


Emotions are meant to rise and fall like the surf.

Some days the surf is rough, some days it is calm or on the days when the sun glistens on its surface it is glorious.

If we learn to ride our emotions like the surf our levels of anxiety, stress and depression will pass.

Lets just learn to keep our emotions out of ‘the rip ……’

Peace and harmony to all.


Anxiety and depression

The majority of instances of anxiety and depression is simply a result of our habitual thought processes.

Check out  ACT Mindfully to find a way out.

Peace and harmony to all



Labelling sticks


Please can we stop labelling ‘everybody’.

If we label a child naughty, the child will continue to behave in a naughty manner.

If we label an adolescent depressed, the adolescent will not learn to be resilient and that emotions both good and bad are part of life and will pass if left to flow naturally.

If we label a child as autistic, that child will live their life with a sigma.

Why can’t we just accept everyone, exactly how they are??

No one needs a label…

I am!

You are!

Peace and harmony to all



Resilience – just sharing

Received this in my inbox this morning and given that last night, I was challenged by something in my life and decided not to respond in my ‘story’, I think it worth sharing.

If we could all learn resilience, life might be a little less stressful

How to increase your resilience

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf