Category Archives: Resources

Anxiety and depression

The majority of instances of anxiety and depression is simply a result of our habitual thought processes.

Check out  ACT Mindfully to find a way out.

Peace and harmony to all



Geneen Roth – Eating Guidelines

There is common sense and a feeling of ‘knowing it to be true’ when you read Geneen Roth’s Eating Guidelines.

See my Book Nook Page for a link to more from Geneen Roth.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf


Looking at cancer

I am not a Doctor, or a scientist, so what I share here is only for you to research for yourself.  I like to share knowledge and alternative possibilities.  Only you will or can decide if what you read makes sense. might be a good place to start your research.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf

Grief is a Journey

Sometimes people get lost in grief.  Some of the emotions that you could get stuck on might include; guilt, shame, loss, sadness and obsession.  In the normal process these will pass in time.  Seeking help to guide you through the maze of emotions and help you understand can ease the journey.

Start with a book like Grief is a Journey

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf


Cancer cures


There is so much information available about the fight to beat cancer.

I recently had two friends succumb to cancer. They put up a strong fight, they had all the standard treatments, they both had received the ‘all clear’, but both died within 3 months of being given that all clear.

I have to ask myself ‘why’?  They were both fit and healthy, living active lives before the initial cancer diagnosis, and during the 18 months they lived from that primary diagnosis, their quality of life was somewhat diminished.

One in particular verbalised that he would not have had all the surgery and treatment, if he had of known, the cancer would get him in such a short time frame anyway.  He would have enjoyed the last 18 months of his life, rather than being torturd by the treatments, until death pounced on him.

I have decided to look at alternative treatments and offer here, what information I find, so that you can research for yourself and make an informed decision, if your life is ever touched by cancer.

A cancer conquerors natural approach


Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf


Wanna publish your own work?

I was asked the other day, ‘how to get my book published’?  I have done a little research and offer the links here for you now to investigate publishing your own book – for free or minimal cost.

Balboa Press

Please let me know when you publish your first book. I will buy a copy ????