Category Archives: Resources

Art for Therapy at our Retreat

I am so happy to introduce Cathy Keech.

Cathy will spend some time with us on Saturday morning for Art as Therapy.

Cathy would like to share the following with you.

Growing up surrounded by the cold, wet and dripping pine forests of Oberon gave me the place and space for escape, for childhood play and for inspiration.
This is where my dreams were made.
My contact with the forest floor was my contact with the creative forces of Mother Nature and the vulnerability of each beautiful yet fragile component of my beloved forest.
Thirty five years later I have returned to the forest as my sacred space. Not the cold, wet forests of Oberon but the Sclerophyll rainforests of the Mid North Coast.
Once again my imagination is enraptured by the fragility of such a place and is the source of inspiration for my artworks. This place shows me the feminine side of creation, the movement of the female form and the struggles of the feminine to survive the tempests it has to endure.
Here, in this space, I can be me and dissolve into the surroundings allowing my shape and form to blend with the shapes and forms of the forest.
I close my eyes and allow the leaves to wash over me and then go to my art space and recall the images, the feelings, the sounds of my forest.
Letting nature surround and embrace me allows my art to becomes a healing tool – healing the heart, mind and deep within my soul.



Click here  for Retreat details

Come join us.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf


Count down to the Retreat

In the weeks leading up to my Retreat, at Kings Creek Retreat, Krambach on the weekend of 14th October, 2016, I would like to introduce you to our guests.

Meet Helen.  Helen is holding a Yoga session on the Saturday afternoon.  She wishes to share a little about herself.


If, like many of us, you are sometimes aware of stiff muscles, anxious thoughts and a general feeling of unease, then I believe you will enjoy my program.

After being a teacher in schools and university for over 40 years, I am retired now in Forster where I have been teaching yoga for the past five years. I have practiced yoga for over 12 years and have completed a Certificate in Yoga Teaching and am currently studying a Diploma in Yoga Teaching.

After a major illness that led to my retirement, I was fortunate to discover yoga. My own experience has taught me that yoga can help us not only to move more freely but also to start to change some old habits that we might be finding are no longer helpful. As our bodies become more flexible, our mind also starts to be able to imagine different ways of responding to situations and people that we might find difficult.

In my session, you can learn some movement and meditation practices that can assist you to enter a deep level of relaxation of mind and body:

– gentle stretching (yoga asanas), building flexibility and strength,
– relaxation and breathing practices as well as
– Tibetan Yoga (Kum Nye) and meditation.

The gentle movement, relaxation and meditation gently allow physical and mental blockages to release. The Kum Nye practices in particular help our over-active mind to slow down, creating space to allow us to get in touch with our body and our deeper needs – those aspects of ourselves that we so often ignore in the rush of everyday life. We can experience the benefits of living in the present.
You can come to understand that through making some simple changes, you can gain enhanced physical and mental well-being and a sense of managing your life.

With regular practice, your body becomes stronger and more flexible through the physical practices and your mind becomes more resilient and able to cope with everyday demands in a way that is at once gentle and strong.

I look forward to meeting you at the retreat and sharing ways you can begin to find joy and nourishment through being deeply in touch with yourself in every moment.

Strand St Yoga, 23 Strand St, Forster





Venue – Kings Creek Retreat



Check out the ‘Kings Creek Retreat’ venue for my Retreat in October this year.

See Retreat outline and stay tuned for more details.

Contact me on if you have any questions.

Peace and harmony to all



RETREAT – Where psychology and spirituality walk hand in hand

Lone Wolf Harmony, in conjunction with Louise Wakeling are excited to invite you to share in our gathering at Kings Creek Retreat,   Krambach, NSW.

The focus is on taking responsibility for our own personal wellness – in body, mind and spirit.

The Retreat offers

Meditations + explanation of benefits and types
Using Art as therapy
Reiki + explanation of its benefits
Relaxation Therapies
Using nature for healing
Mental Health and Life skills consultation
General discussion and question time

Plus a few surprises.

Our aim is to look at how we can awaken our own innate wisdom to address the daily challenges we face, for example, stress, addiction, obsessive thinking, anxiety, panic attacks, depression and disease.


Friday 14th October, 2016 – 1 Day Retreat = $ 285.00 (Friday afternoon, till Saturday afternoon – includes accommodation, food and activities)

Friday 14th and Saturday 15th October, 2016 – 2 Day Retreat = $ 390.00 (Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon – includes accommodation, food and activities). The second day is to be used for personal reflection and enjoying the tranquility of Kings Creek Retreat, as you absorb what you’ve learned – no formal sessions are offered other than Reiki by appointment.

50% Deposit is required to secure your place, and the remaining 50% is due by 1/10/2016.

Payment can be made by PayPal or by Internet transfer.  Email to get information to make payment, or ask any questions about the Retreat.

Peace and harmony to all

LoneWolf and Louise

Expressions of interest for Retreat

I have booked the venue for my Retreat in October.

Venue: Kings Creek Retreat

Date: Friday 14/10/2016

Outline: Taking care our own health – body, mind and spirit.

Stay tuned for more details to be posted.

Please email me at to express your interest in attending.

Peace and harmony to all




Living in a world of liars

Is there someone in your life that lies?

Everyone tells little white lies… So it probably applies to us all.
Knowledge and understand helps…. Check this out….

Peace and harmony to all


Home made lotion Recipe

When I started looking around at essential oils and moisturisers, lotions etc, I discovered that I can create a lotion to suit my needs, adding the essential oils that work for me.

This weekend I am going to try this recipe.  I will let you know how it goes.

Frankincense and Myrrh Lotion (Thank you Dr Axe)

1/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/4 cup bees wax

1/4 cup Shea butter

2 tbsp Vitamin E

20 drops frankincense essential oil

20 drops myrrh essential oil

BPA free plastic lotion dispenser bottles


  1. Put olive oil, coconut oil, beeswax and Shea butter in glass bowl then place that bowl in saucepan with water.
  2. Heat stove to medium and mix ingredients together
  3. Once mixed put in refrigerator for an hour until solid
  4. With a regular mixer or hand mixer beat the mixture until it is whipped and fluffy.  Then add essential oils and vitamin E and mix
  5. Fill container and store in cool place.

REMEMBER, for the best results, buy the most natural and organic ingredients possible

See these links for the health benefits of Frankincense essential oil and Myrrh essential oil.

Peace and harmony to all


Why do I get upset when someone lies to me?

We have been taught that lying is a bad thing, but at the same time we were conditioned to lie as we grew up…. So where does that leave us? How does that make us feel?

Lets take an honest look at lying. Here is a very interesting perspective, that may help you look at the situation differently, or at least dissolve your emotional reaction when lies are discovered in your environment.

Peace and harmony to all
