Category Archives: Opinion

… my lesson in trusting myself

Do you think that trust is one of the most important things in any relationship?

I have been beginning to think that ‘trusting YOURSELF’ every single time, is the most important thing… nothing else really matters.

A recent experience demonstrated that to me….

Those who follow my blog noticed that about four months ago I changed my name from ‘LoneWolf Harmony’ to ‘Lunar Wolf Harmony’.

You might also have noticed that my posts dramatically reduced at this time.

I pondered the name change long and hard, for years actually, before making the change, and I was finally swayed, by the opinion of a wonderful, caring soul.  A person who I have a great deal of time for and respect of, as well as a heathy dose of admiration.

However, with the name change, came a loss of interest in being ‘LunarWolf’ or ‘LoneWolf’

Then just the other day, I was chatting with a close friend and we were talking about the importance of teaching our young adults to TRUST themselves FIRST.

As the conversation continued, she asked me, why I wasn’t putting much on my blog lately… I explained the ‘whole name change thing’ and she looked at me and said… ‘you didn’t trust yourself first did you?’.

So as confusing as it may be for my followers, I will be re claiming my name ‘LoneWolf Harmony’

Thank you my friend, I will TRUST myself FIRST and you can expect more posts and other exciting things on my blog now.

Peace, harmony and love to all


I have had enough………

When you get that feeling that you have had enough and you want to run away….leave it all behind

from your job, partner, peer group

….just remember

What you run away from

You will run right into again….

Unless you change the way you run

Peace and harmony to all


Living in the now

Everywhere I look, they say ‘live in the now’

but nowhere does it explain exactly ‘HOW’

There are simple questions to ask yourself that can help train you, to ‘live in the now’

Throughout the day try to remember this little exercise and try it as often as you remember.  In time, it will become a natural, habitual way of thinking.

* Stop and observe your thoughts…..

* Ask yourself  “Is this thought about something that happened in the past?”  Be it a minute ago, or a year ago.

* Ask yourself “Is this thought about something in the future?”  Be is about tomorrow or many years from now.

* If the answer to either of these questions is yes – then identify that it is not ‘in the now’ and practise letting those thoughts go.

Remember that you can’t change past and the future is yet to be discovered.

So take a look around you and using all of your physical senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch, bring your attention back to this ‘moment’.

What can I see?

What can I hear?

What can I feel on my skin?

What can I taste?

What can I smell?

With practise you will get better at ‘living in the present moment’

Peace and harmony to all





It hurts

It is confusing

It is debilitating

But it isn’t how you have to live your life

With gentle support you can learn to

Push Through Stimulus Door


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

to a better life.

Peace and harmony to all




Name change……

I didn’t think I would give in to mass ‘fear’, but sadly, the time has come to make a little name change.

Unforunately, I have received negative feedback and thought it best to make a little change.  I will now be known as Lunar Wolf Harmony.  Please be patient as I make the change across my social media.

Farewell Lone Wolf Harmony

A big hello to Lunar Wolf Harmony.

Peace and harmony to all

Lunar Wolf

I know how to maintain my perfect body weight!

This is how – I ask myself these questions

  1.   Do I feel comfortable in my skin?
  2.   Am I eating, ONLY when I am physically hungry?
  3.   Am I being ACTIVE every day?

We ignore these simple questions because we are afraid of being overweight or unhealthy… And we end up overweight.

Instead, we think

  1. I have to be healthy, so I don’t get diabetes, or cancer or any other horrible disease.
  2. To be healthy, I have to make sure I have ‘so much of this, so much of that’ in my daily food consumption.
  3. And if I can’t get enough of ‘this or that’ I better take supplements.
  4. If I take supplements, I have to take them with food.

So we end up over eating, just to try to get “what THEY say, we SHOULD or are SUPPOSED TO”

A baby has the most incredible growth and development in the first 6 months of their lives… How do they possibly do that with only milk? Why don’t they need ‘this and that’?

I believe the answer is to learn to TRUST your body… It knows what it needs.

Try eating ONLY, when you are physically hungry and ONLY eat enough to satisfy that physical hunger, instead of overfilling your stomach.

Please remember though, if your Doctor has you on a diet for an underlying, diagnosed illness or issue, please maintain his diet.  I am not recommending any changes for you, if this is your situation.

Peace and harmony to all




When your loved one annoys you…..

Next time your loved one upsets you, or makes you angry – try this simple approach.

Instead of swearing and cursing them under your breath, arguing with them or shutting down yourself…..Remember that they are probably acting from a wounded place, from a time long long ago.

You can also hope that they show you the same consideration, when you grind their gears.

Peace and harmony to all







Domestic Violence

I listened to a radio interview today about Domestic Violence. The host interviewed a women who is a perpetrator of domestic violence, and a man who is a victim of domestic violence.

I was touched by both their stories and it made me realise that we are not being true to the victims, perpetrators or ourselves in the current war against domestic violence. It has become a politically correct cardboard cutout issue – and therefore has lost its momentum and direction.

Domestic violence is not ONLY a crime against women and until we look at the whole issue, we will have no chance of addressing it appropriately.

Yes, I truly understand that physical violence against women is a serious issue. But let’s not forget that violence against anyone… Man, woman or child is a disgusting display of power and control, and is detrimental to the victims, and possibly future generations of those victims.

Domestic violence, is not just about physical violence!!

We are only just beginning to understand exactly how debilitating emotional abuse and violence can be, regardless of your age, or sex. When there is any violence in a domestic relationship it is going to mean that one person is more powerful than the other and this is not always because of size and strength. They don’t always use physical violence to gain and hold that power and control!

I know men, who live in fear, in a constant state of hyper vigilance in their homes. The welfare, safety and security of themselves and their children is threatened on a daily basis.
They can not leave…. Who will ensure the kids are safe?
They can not, or will not take the children away from their mother (for whatever reason).
They will not retaliate for fear of the consequences or threat of losing their children. So where do they go?
Who helps them? No one!!!

I know mothers who are petrified of their children. Where does she go for help?

These people live this nightmare, with the hope that one day it will get better… And apart from the short term effect on everyone in these situations, you will most likely see another generation of domestic violence perpetrators emerging. More often than not, someone who is intimidated, bullied or beaten in one relationship, has a tendency to become the intimidator, bully or perpetrator in another.

So – yes – let’s keep the focus on violence against women in all forms, but let’s ALSO protect our men and children too. Let’s start that debate and keep this issue REAL and alive.

Here is a link to the radio interview if you are interested

Peace and harmony to all